CIRE Business Solutions, LLC is a learning and growth organization. In order to provide cutting-edge innovation and support to our clients, our associates maintain active memberships with the following organizations:
The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) is an international professional association of healthcare executives, consisting of high level hospital administrators, CEOs, COOs, and health system officers. ACHE is one of the healthcare industry’s top professional associations.
American Society of Military Comptrollers (ASMC) is the non-profit educational and professional organization for persons, military and civilian, involved in the overall field of military comptrollership. ASMC promotes the education and training of its members, and supports the development and advancement of the profession of military comptrollership. The society provides professional programs to keep members abreast of current issues and encourages the exchange of information, techniques and approaches.
Project Management Institute (PMI) is one of the world’s largest not-for-profit membership associations for the project management profession. With more than 700,000 members, PMI’s professional resources and research improve members organizations’ success and further mature the profession.